Friday, September 7, 2012


Poor Finn. I dropped him off early this morning to get neutered. I left work early to pick up the sad little case of a dog. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for getting my pets altered and it's required at the shelter, but it's been a doozey for him. It may have to do with his age I'm guessing, because all of my other pets were in the 6-8 month range when they had their surgery and we're thinking Finn is 1-2. I had them give me an e-collar before we left the waiting room because I couldn't distract him long enough to stop licking his incision site. I DO NOT want a repeat of Andy in this department. For those of you I haven't shared the lovely story with...Andy licked his stitches out the day after he was neutered. I came downstairs on Saturday morning and he rolled over to show me his skin hanging wide open. So so so so gross. I would prefer Finn keep it together, especially because the boyfriend and I are supposed to go away tomorrow night for our anniversary (it's already been put off for 3 weeks) . I'm hoping he'll be good enough, and my mom will be confident enough that she can keep him for 24 hours. His ears were pretty bad off according to the vet so we have some drops to give him for the next 10 days and a follow-up appointment on them. The best part about fostering: The bill isn't mine! I do have to listen to the little cries that break your heart and hope that the soft e-collar they gave me is Finn proof! He's already gotten his foot stuck inside the collar of it and because of his disproportionately short legs, he trips on the thing with every step.

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