Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I took my dog to work again

Finn and I actually spent a lot of the day together and I even managed to work 7 hours. We started the day with going to the vet for a follow up on his ear infections and his neuter incision needed a good look in my opinion. His ears are doing better and they hooked us up with some Flush for me to do at home and some amazing chewable antibiotics! I wish all doggie meds could be made that way. We stopped in the bank afterwards for some public interaction and I asked my boss if she cared if I brought him to work with me the last 2 hours of my shift while the lobby was closed. She didn't care. I took a late lunch and picked him up and he picked the spot right at my feet to camp out for 2 hours unless I left my post and he was right on my heels.

Here's my view from working at lane one of the drive thru:

We went home for a little while to catch up with my mom and then headed over to the b/f's for the night. He's really making progress! Today he licked my b/f and is very curious about how he and his dog play together. He's not sure he's ready to join in, but I have a feeling it won't be long.

Finn may not be perfect...he had his escaping the e-collar and his crate episodes at the end of last week, and he does have an accident once in a great while, but I can't be mad at him. A friend of me reminded me of the dog commandments the other day "Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment, I am not capable of understanding why. I only know I have been rejected, you have your work, entertainment, and friends. I only have you. " It's very true; all Finn has is me. Right now, I'm the only person he trusts in the world and I feel honored. He has come so far in the last 3 1/2 weeks. Before I brought him home, he was practically a feral dog. I have to remember where he came from: 133 dogs, 9 cats, and 2 humans. Think he had much human interaction? Think any of it was positive? He may not be outgoing in new places or with new people at first, but once he is comfortable, this is one happy little pup.

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