Sunday, September 16, 2012

Finn has a mentor

I've had Finn with me at the b/f's house all weekend and it has been GREAT for him! He is still a little unsure about b/f, but he manages. Wrigley (b/f's dog) is really teaching him how to be a dog! He barked for the first time last night, and I mean a real bark. We had left for about an hour and upon our arrival home, Wrigley let out a few barks as usual and Finn joined it. It's absolutely adorable and one more thing we can check of his list of things he's accomplished. He also has fun chasing Wrigley while he plays fetch. Wriggs is a lab mix, so he is very fixated on his chuck-it balls. Finn doesn't get it, but he has fun running up and down the yard with Wrigley. They have also been learning about sharing the good things in life, like attention, treats, and Kongs full of peanut butter. I'm sure in his previous life with 132 other dogs, he didn't get any of those things. He also did good with Sunday football. Andy always got uncomfortable with all of the yelling and clapping going on...Finn slept through most of it. Oh, and speaking of sleeping, he does occasionally snore for a minute or two. Wrigley freaked. He went up next to him and watching him and jolted confused every time Finn made a noise. Sooo funny. Sorry I don't have any pictures today to provide the proof of all of the fun we've been having. Time for bed!

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