Friday, August 31, 2012

I didn't want to jinx it

I didn't post last night on my "get Finn to bed" strategy because I was scared to speak too soon. I didn't spend much time with him yesterday (b/f is leaving til Monday) and I knew this would make getting him to bed quietly a true challenge. I loaded up a kong with our dogs only peanut butter and stuck it in the freezer for as long as I could. We call it dogs only because, after about the 2nd or 3rd time I loaded up my kong for Andy, I decided it was really pretty gross that a knife that touched the inside of there was contaminating all of the PB in the jar. Bring in the Sharpie to condemn the jar for human use. The little thing worked pretty well! He was interested, went in the crate, and I gave his hind end a little help getting in all the way, even though that's probably breaking some rule. He was least for a little while. When he was finished, I did hear a little of the usual digging and a little more howling than past nights, but it ended pretty quickly I think because I was asleep in no time.

A few excitements from yesterday: 1. Finn starting running, I mean big time running! He was tearing circles with me around the backyard. 2. That means I started taking him out without a leash because you couldn't pay him enough, even in treats to leave my side. 3. He's getting so much better about going on his own and sniffing for a place to use the bathroom. Before, he was afraid to venture even just a few feet away. He did his business yesterday and I got down to praise him and he didn't shudder, he ran over, tail going in circles and jumped up to lick my face. 4. Finn's going to get some relief for his ears tomorrow finally! I called the shelter yesterday and they still have not made him a vet appt, but they suggested I bring him by the shelter and they will clean him up.

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone following Finn's story. I don't know who you are, but Blogger tells me how many people read each post and the number grows every time I check it out. Thanks to my b.f.f.s Ashley and Steph, my brother John, and my friend/co-worker Mike for anxiously awaiting the next post! Everyone else, leave a comment so I'll know who's stalking me..J/K.

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