Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Funday!

What a hectic start to the week. I got up early to get to the point where I could feel prepared. First on the list was taking Harper to the vet. This of course involved keeping Finn far enough away from the cat so that he wouldn't hid. Not feeding him breakfast made the task of keeping him close dang easy. I put a fresh towel in Finn's carrier and Harper got curious and I trapped the little sucker in a few minutes before we needed to leave. Vet appt. went very quick and easy, aside from the horrible howls that made me feel awful. Once we were home, Harp completely forgot about the whole experience because he got BREAKFAST.

Next, get to work and get Chick-Fil-A for a co-worker's b-day. That was the easy part of the day.

Home to Finn dog after work and we did some good cuddling. He showed his first smile while laying on his back and getting a good belly scratch. Too bad my phone was too far away to snap a pic. I was going to take him to a park, but it got dark way too early so we went for a trip to Petsmart. It went GREAT! He was excited to get out in the parking lot, not afraid of the cars or the automatic doors. A few people approached him as well as a few dogs. The only sign of his distress was when he tried to hide on the bottom shelf of the treat isle, but who could blame him? I'm very proud of him and I hope that he we find him a forever home before I get too attached to his cute little face. It really is so much fun getting to watch him experience different aspects of the world for the first time. The little things like helping him master the stairs or seeing him wag his tail around in circles and show his little pearly whites during a belly rub make the extra time he takes up so worth it.

Oh, and here is poor Harper on he exam table before the vet pried him out of the

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