Friday, August 31, 2012

I didn't want to jinx it

I didn't post last night on my "get Finn to bed" strategy because I was scared to speak too soon. I didn't spend much time with him yesterday (b/f is leaving til Monday) and I knew this would make getting him to bed quietly a true challenge. I loaded up a kong with our dogs only peanut butter and stuck it in the freezer for as long as I could. We call it dogs only because, after about the 2nd or 3rd time I loaded up my kong for Andy, I decided it was really pretty gross that a knife that touched the inside of there was contaminating all of the PB in the jar. Bring in the Sharpie to condemn the jar for human use. The little thing worked pretty well! He was interested, went in the crate, and I gave his hind end a little help getting in all the way, even though that's probably breaking some rule. He was least for a little while. When he was finished, I did hear a little of the usual digging and a little more howling than past nights, but it ended pretty quickly I think because I was asleep in no time.

A few excitements from yesterday: 1. Finn starting running, I mean big time running! He was tearing circles with me around the backyard. 2. That means I started taking him out without a leash because you couldn't pay him enough, even in treats to leave my side. 3. He's getting so much better about going on his own and sniffing for a place to use the bathroom. Before, he was afraid to venture even just a few feet away. He did his business yesterday and I got down to praise him and he didn't shudder, he ran over, tail going in circles and jumped up to lick my face. 4. Finn's going to get some relief for his ears tomorrow finally! I called the shelter yesterday and they still have not made him a vet appt, but they suggested I bring him by the shelter and they will clean him up.

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone following Finn's story. I don't know who you are, but Blogger tells me how many people read each post and the number grows every time I check it out. Thanks to my b.f.f.s Ashley and Steph, my brother John, and my friend/co-worker Mike for anxiously awaiting the next post! Everyone else, leave a comment so I'll know who's stalking me..J/K.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Take your dog to work day...kinda

Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday. It was a busy day that didn't involve a lot of Finn time and I paid for it. He would not settle down in his crate last night. I think part of it may have been that I forgot to turn on the nightlight. The plan for tonight is to go outside in a few minutes, take a few laps around the backyard and put him in the crate with a fresh clean towel and a shirt I slept in last night that I left to marinade in my bed so maybe he'll feel like I'm not too far away. (Fingers crossed)

Today, we got to do something else to push him out of his comfort zone. I got off work much earlier than normal and came home to get Finn and head right back to the bank. He was a little shaky at first, but once he wasn't standing out in the open, he kind of approached strangers anxious to meet him. One of my co-workers said while we were all huddled around, "alright guys, someone here has got to take this dog home!" We headed home about an hour laster and then my cousin stopped by to meet him. He was pretty nervous at that point, which I don't understand. He was on his familiar territory with a person that is almost identical to me. The only thing I can guess was all of the previous excitement was overwhelming enough for one day.

I can't wait to get him to a vet, but since I don't own him, the shelter has to call and make the appointment, that probably won't even fit with my schedule. He started with one ear infection and I think that they are now both infected and I feel terrible for him. We'll give the shelter another buzz tomorrow and hope that we have an appointment very soon.

This day may not have been the best in my life, but two really awesome things did happen:
1. Harper (cat) came into my room while Finn was already there and proceeded to jump on my bed. I'm ignoring the fact that it was because his food bowl was empty and I'm calling it amazing progress.
2. I had to go back to the bank later in the evening for 2 hours. I assumed Finn would go where my mom did, but when I returned home, I learned that he went in my room and wouldn't come out. EEEEK. I had a lot of shoes laying all over the place. Finn didn't touch one pair. When I went in my room to find him, he was laying in a crate with the door open.

Finn hiding under my desk

Finn "hiding" behind one of the stools

Sylvia giving him some high quality attention

I had to include this one just because this woman hates dogs. It was
absolutely necessary to document this interaction, although she wasn't too
happy that I have proof that she has a soft spot. lol

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Funday!

What a hectic start to the week. I got up early to get to the point where I could feel prepared. First on the list was taking Harper to the vet. This of course involved keeping Finn far enough away from the cat so that he wouldn't hid. Not feeding him breakfast made the task of keeping him close dang easy. I put a fresh towel in Finn's carrier and Harper got curious and I trapped the little sucker in a few minutes before we needed to leave. Vet appt. went very quick and easy, aside from the horrible howls that made me feel awful. Once we were home, Harp completely forgot about the whole experience because he got BREAKFAST.

Next, get to work and get Chick-Fil-A for a co-worker's b-day. That was the easy part of the day.

Home to Finn dog after work and we did some good cuddling. He showed his first smile while laying on his back and getting a good belly scratch. Too bad my phone was too far away to snap a pic. I was going to take him to a park, but it got dark way too early so we went for a trip to Petsmart. It went GREAT! He was excited to get out in the parking lot, not afraid of the cars or the automatic doors. A few people approached him as well as a few dogs. The only sign of his distress was when he tried to hide on the bottom shelf of the treat isle, but who could blame him? I'm very proud of him and I hope that he we find him a forever home before I get too attached to his cute little face. It really is so much fun getting to watch him experience different aspects of the world for the first time. The little things like helping him master the stairs or seeing him wag his tail around in circles and show his little pearly whites during a belly rub make the extra time he takes up so worth it.

Oh, and here is poor Harper on he exam table before the vet pried him out of the

Sunday, August 26, 2012

sundays are our day of rest

Not too much excitement today other than Finn went UP AND DOWN the stairs without hesitation! Thank goodness because my back was not going to be able to take too much more. I also found out that rawhides are a good snooze button so I can stay in bed just a little bit longer. Today, on his morning walk, he spotted our other dog, Molly roaming across the backyard. He ducked down in the grass and then took off bounding towards her. Good thing he was on a leash because I don't think Molly would have been as excited to find a playmate (she's 12). Later this week though, we'll be meeting the b/f's year old lab and I'm sure he will be up for playtime. This afternoon, we cleaned all of the brown hairs out of the tub from yesterday's bath. He apparently wasn't phased by bath-time because he laid right next to the tub while I scrubbed. Molly won't even come in the bathroom voluntarily ever since she got her first bath there. These past 2 days, Finn has started wagging his tail at full mast over all kinds of things, food, toys, me arriving home. He also is really into giving kisses. He's such a sweet little guy and is going to make someone an awesome, loving companion.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

a little too much fun

Finn did wonderful meeting the b/f last night. We sat watching tv and he started out watching us from his crate and slowly moved closer and closer to us until he tried to get in bed. It took about 3 hours to get to this point, but the boy's been through a lot so I'm pretty excited. B/f went home and I put Finn to bed after one last walk, then retreated upstairs. I was enjoying some 1-1 time with my poor cat who thinks I abandoned him when Finn busts through the door. He must have had too much fun last night with us and thought he was going to stay in my room all night. Back to his crate he went and this time I locked every single latch.

Today, we visited my dad and Finn was pretty timid. It makes sense location, new people, new smells and we weren't there for more than an hour. Might work better next time if we take his little crate over and let him work his way out of it like we did last night. After that, we headed to the shelter for a quick shot and we weighed him. Little guy is a whopping 41 lbs! I can't wait til he figures out how to walk down stairs! Last, but not least on his day of unpleasant adventures was a bath. He did so wonderful! I'm sure he wasn't crazy about being in the tub, but rubbing in all that shampoo didn't feel so bad. Tomorrow we're going to hang around the house, which is getting kinda old to me :(. Before Finn, I was only home to switch out clothes, shower, do some laundry, and take care of my handsome cat. I'm getting very stir crazy but I don't want to rush Finn into my busy world until he is ready for it.

Friday, August 24, 2012

baby's takin baby steps

What an amazing dog my little Finn is turning out to be. I could not wait to take my lunch break and get home to take him out. He's going to make me poor very quickly because I'm taking longer lunch breaks and thinking about spoiling him all day long...Today I learned that what goes up doesn't always come down. Finn followed me upstairs this morning, but he wasn't interested in following me down. For the sake of being on time for work, he was carried. He is starting to show some more dog-like behavior. A few minutes ago he picked up my shoe in his mouth. Just a little ahhh ahhh and I doubt he'll do it again. Later tonight, b/f is gonna stop by and meet him :D Tomorrow we're headed to the shelter so that the organization that is currently responsible for his welfare can meet him! I think they will fall in love just like I have. I love learning more about him every day and seeing him become a little more comfortable in his beautiful brown fur.

I got a few better pics today so you can actually see how oddly shaped he is. He kinda looks like a GIANT Dachshund with unnaturally large feet. Seriously, his feet are the same size as Andy's. I wish I was rich and could pay for the DNA testing to see just what he's made of.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Adventures in Fostering, Day 1

So Saturday, my mom and I just happened to end up at the Humane Society in our county. We saw some cute dogs, some loud ones, some little ones, and one painfully shy one. I didn't see any that screamed out as "the one" so we left empty handed. We're are driving down the road when I say to mom, "OH SHIT! That was a kill shelter and I immediately think of the painfully shy one." The next day I couldn't concentrate in church because Mr. Chocolate Teddy Bear as they called him was all I could think of. As soon as we arrived back at home, I e-mailed the shelter that I volunteer with if they were able to pull him out of the Humane Soc. and if so, I'd be more than happy to foster him and offer him some dog therapy. A day and I half later, I didn't have a response. I checked the Humane Soc. website and they had just listed at least 7 new dogs and I panicked that Mr. Chocolate Teddy Bear may have been bumped out of a kennel. As soon as the clock hit 4:10, I was outta the bank and over to see if he was still there. The employees replied that he was, but a shelter might be picking him up in the morning. (Sigh of relief...the shelter they named was mine). Two days later, I've got Mr. Chocolate Teddy Bear at home. Here's what I've learned about him so far:

1. He is not housebroken :(
2. He is terrified of the words "ahhh ahhh," which we use to distract b/f's dog all the time. This is going to be a major challenge for the both of us. His reactions assure me that he was beaten before.
3. I think his new name is going to be Finn. Thoughts?
4. He LOVES his toys. I got him a few and ripped the tags off and threw them his direction. He came out from his hiding spot and picked up each one and took them back in his corner to sleep with.
5. I don't want him to be adopted until I see him wag his tail. Isn't that sad that he doesn't? Andy used to every time you said his name, or good boy, or pretty much anything in a sweet voice.
6. This is going to be the most rewarding thing I've done so far.