Tuesday, October 2, 2012

been spending too much time with Finn and not enough time with my computer

What a week. It was so great to see Finn when we got home from our little tiny beach trip. He was excited to see me until he saw B/F behind me and he went straight to my room as usual. He was fine the rest of the week, really great Thursday night actually. I didn't hear a peep out of him til 5:15 and Matt was getting up at 5:30 so it was no biggie. Friday night was a different story. I don't know what the problem was, but it was a major one. B/F and I went to bed around 10ish, his mom stayed out front until about 1, and that's when it started. I whisper-yelled at him for about 40 minutes, right around the corner from where his crate is so he can't see me. That did no good, so I figured that it must be time to just ignore him. That didn't last too long b/c B/F's mom got up and yelled at him next. Didn't do a bit of good. I thought, hmmm, maybe he needs to go out. Never has before in the middle of the night, but I was willing to try. I got to his crate where he was practically hyperventilating, took him straight outside and put him right back without much speaking and completely in the dark. That didn't work either. Then B/F tries things his way. He got out Wrigley's treats and bones and gave Finn a little bit of everything including filling both Kongs with peanut butter. He still was whiney after that, so he suggested that I take both dogs out and try to wear them out...at 3 a.m. I let them romp and play til about 3:30 when Finn was COVERED in burrs. They were also both soaking wet from the grass they rolled in. I put Finn to bed for the umpteinth time and he was still a little whiney. I asked b/f if I should just go sleep on the couch and he said no to bother, he was headed out to play video games because he wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep at that point. Finn was quiet enough for me to sleep (with the cat) til about 7 when we sneaked out of the sound asleep house so I could go home and get ready for work! Lovely, right? I'm glad they at least got to catch up on their sleep; thank goodness this did not happen on a weeknight!

I worked til one on Saturday, then home to try to get the burrs out of Finn's fur before we headed to our first meet and greet with a potential adopter. It went completely as I expected. The shelter forgot to meet us, so I abided by their rules and didn't let Finn out of my car until they were present, in case he would decide to bite. The person we met was great and has a lot more free time to devote for Finn. Finn paced a lot at the very end of his leash and near the end of the hour we spent together, I sat next to the woman so that Finn would too (he actually perched up on my lap), and she was able to get a few pets in. She's up for the challenge of tackling his issues and that is just what he needs. I'd love to keep him, but this will be better for us both in the long-run if it works out. It'll be tough for a while for all of us, but the B/F and I are already talking about picking out the next foster sometime after my birthday. I swung by the shelter after the meeting to see what comes next and Finn freaked as usual, but even went to the extent as to poop himself! Poor little guy. This is why I requested that we NOT meet at the shelter. He is not a fan. I got an e-mail from the woman we met later that night that I loved. She was so sweet and said she was up to taking home Finn as long as I was okay with it. Kinda made me tear up how much she cared. Her family also drove 75 miles to get to us, so it shows that they are dedicated. If everything with the adoption process goes smoothly, I may be saying good-bye on Friday or Saturday.

Finn made a new buddy on Sunday, the B/F's friend's dog, Zeus. We babysat him for the day while his "dad" was at a baseball game. I feel kinda bad because we took Zeus shopping at the outlet mall with us and left our own dogs at home. Sunday night, I was hoping Finn could just sleep loose in B/F's room, but he was not convinced that Finn wouldn't chew something and I can't blame him. He is known to chew whatever is closest at times, whether it's a sock or the carpet or the wood trim. I let him sleep on the floor right next to the bed til 1 a.m. and then I put him out in his crate. He was not a happy camper, as usual, so I caved and went to sleep on a couch out in that part of the house so I could whisper yell before got to the point of hyperventilating like he did Friday night. It worked pretty well, just had to get him to settle down initially and not again until 5:15 a.m. Everyone got pretty optimal sleep I'd say! Now, to start the week...

Let me see if I can find some un-posted photos first. oooo goodie...I never did the goofy play time ones

1 comment:

  1. Aw, poor Finn. It's great to hear that there's someone who is so interested in giving him a forever home, though! Fingers crossed for you both :)
