Sunday, October 7, 2012

Finn was adopted yesterday

Our last morning walk/Finn finds a stick to eat

A great home found Finn a couple weeks ago and yesterday, that great home took him home. His new mom's name is Jessica and she sounds like exactly what he needs. She's going to be home with him more than I was able to and I'm sure she'll probably end up spoiling him even more than I did. I tried to keep his rules pretty strict so she could decide how lax she wants his boundaries. It's always easy to give them more privileges, but's its very difficult to take them away.

The last night I had my little 2 pint, we had a sleepover. We were planning on sleeping with my best friend in the living room, but Finn turned out to be afraid of her just the same as any other stranger. I took Finn upstairs and made a little bed on my floor out of cushions and put Finn in it with me. The next morning, my hips, back, and neck were a little sore, but I had an awesome night cuddling with the little guy.

We had one last play session with Wrigley, but it didn't last too long. Finn was a little on edge because of my best friend being present, but we all enjoyed him being around a few more minutes and were thankful the rain held off and the sun peeked out for a few hours. 2 o'clock rolled around and we found ourselves at the shelter right on time. They were doing some fall "spring" cleaning and were closed to the public, so we did the adoption out of the back of my car. The original park was to drive to the park next door to officially hand him over, but last minute, I decided to rip the band-aid off and gat it done with. Finn had a new life to get to and my time with him was up.

I didn't hear from his new home last night, so I was a little worried sick. I was assuming the worst, like maybe he ran away and she was afraid to say any thing. Thank goodness my BFF was around to distract me and luckily, Finn went to a great home. I received the most wonderful e-mail from his new mom this morning. "So far, Finn's doing remarkably well compared to what I was expecting, but I'm sure that is namely because of all the things demanding his attention at moments notice. Once he settles, I'm expecting difficulties, but I'm prepared." She's totally ready for him to be a little dis-functional for a while. "Other than that, everything else is neither here nor there. It's too early to say or for me to help him gain confidence yet. Mostly, I just wanted him to take a load off after yesterday's emotionally taxing events. Because I know he misses you dearly. And rightly so :)" She's also a huge sweetheart. I couldn't be happier with the person who took him home, but I still miss my little Finn.

Everything came full circle yesterday after we left the shelter. I suggested to the BFF that we stop at the humane society that I pulled Finn from and I could show him a video of him being a real dog and let them know he's gone to a good home. They were all in disbelief at the transformation they could see from the videos and pictures. One girl even blurted, "We almost put him to sleep because he wouldn't come out of his kennel for anyone." wow. He'd be dead if it weren't for myself and my support system and the shelter. Thanks to my family and friends for supporting my decisions and thanks to Jessica for scooping him up. I can't wait until you can experience the pure loyalty, gratitude, trust, and love he is capable of.

I'm anxious about fostering another dog because Finn set the bar very high.

Finn's morning-after grin. :D

Saying our good-byes

The last one is of Finn in the car during our very unconventional adoption out
of the back of my car. I'm looking forward to more pictures of him from his new mom and will surely share of few. Thanks for reading! Until another dog steals my heart...

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