Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This dog walks like a grandpa

Shiloh and Finn started their journeys with me very much the same. I saw both at the Humane Society and they were shut down from their surroundings and probably (definitely for Finn) not getting adopted. I brought both of them home in my toy SUV and that's when their stories stopped showing similarities. Finn went in the crate the first night, Shiloh did not. Finn learned from the first time he lifted his leg in the house that it was not allowed, Shiloh did not. Finn had made it past the kitchen at this point, Shiloh has not (mostly for the last quality I mentioned). Finn loved his toys (and hoarded them), Shiloh has no interest. They both found the best hiding places, both happened to be behind a chair the first night.

My new goldie is coming around more and more everyday. He wags his tail a little more when we come home, he plays his favorite game of "time out" where he lays in the corner, facing the wall, a little less. He's been walking like an old grandpa on our daily walks. I mean like a 13 year old dog with some serious arthritis, but I'm told he's only 4. Today, he got a little more bounce to his step and started walking a little faster, but only for a minute here and there. He's getting better about the leaves crunching under his feet and doesn't freak at the sound of the toaster. He snores when he sleeps and I think may have some allergies because he often has the sniffles. Shi-dog also had his first rawhide at the house today. The first one that I gave him was in the line of fire during a marking rampage, I think. And yes, this also means that he took treats out of my hand for the first time today. He's also catching onto things like learning which side of the door opens (he has been going to the wrong side very consistently up until today) and that the sound of food hitting his bowl is something to come out of the corner for.

But just like Finn, he melts my heart. He looks up with those big beautiful eyes that haven't been treated right in the past. He licks my hand if I hold it out and comes closer with every pet he gets. He wants to be close and he's learning that it's okay. All of these things are going to make it so much easier on both he, and his new family come adoption time. Hopefully the marking in the house thing will get better come neuter Friday! :)

1 comment:

  1. You are so patient with these dogs! I have mad respect for you. I don't think I could handle a dog with so many trust issues. Proud of you :)
