Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sharing a little piece of joy

Do I really need to do anything more than that?

I wasn't planning on blogging tonight, but I had to share my joy. I'm still running on that post adoption euphoria that comes with knowing that you did something really right. really right. 

Thank goodness for another open adoption. I can't imagine how hard it would be to have said goodbye to that boy after seven months and never hear of him again. His new mom has continued with updates every few days or so and a picture here and there. Each one stops me dead in my tracks. I imagine its something like having a child out there in the world. Sure, other texts are important, but when I get these, the world stops. One of the texts shortly after I received this picture tonight said that Shiloh being with them has been the best thing to happen to them in a while.

In the past 2 weeks, Shi has made outstanding progress. It didn't take him too long to start eating and he's made friends with the neighbors and their golden retriever, Summer. One morning, I received a picture that his mom had taken at 3 a.m. when she awoke to Shi's head on her stomach. She hadn't anticipated him staying in bed with her long, but when she woke up, he had remained, and her little boy had joined them as well, Shiloh somehow laying on top of him at the same time. My only worries about him these days is that he will be a very spoiled dog, but that is no worry at all. He deserves it. 

Shiloh's new I.D. tag
"the peace offering"

And on to the other dog joys in my life, I attended my first dog adoption event with a shelter dog today since sometime last winter. I had this sweet little corgi mix named Maggie to show off. The little lady loved the car ride to Petco and was so pleasant for the 3 hours that we camped out in the store. The not so happy part of the story was how she came to the shelter. Maggie had been adopted from it 6 years ago and was recently returned because they "couldn't get rid of the fleas." I'm sure they blame it on the dog and I sure hope they don't get another thinking that it won't happen again. This girl was seriously so adorable. She wagged her little tail at everyone that walked by and had no trouble parking herself on my lap in between people petting her. Hopefully the right people come along for her soon. 

Speaking of the right people coming along, meet Java! He is the newest addition to Black Dog Coffee, located a hot second from where I work. My co-workers had the lovely pleasure of seeing me go goo-goo-ga-ga over that adorable little puppy. They witnessed the real Emily. The one that has absolutely adores dogs, especially black ones. I told them to never ask me if I wanted to join them on a coffee run, just tell me when we're going. It was one of the things that made my July 3rd truly wonderful. I'm so excited to frequent the shop and have the opportunity to watch him grow. 

This photo posted by my B.F.F.'s shelter popped up on my facebook news feed this week and feels like an appropriate thing to end with. A lot of people say they could never foster and almost make me feel heartless because I keep a dog for so long and then just give it away, but this puts it well. My fosters are amazing creatures that I feel so honored to give a temporary home to. I have found 2 outstanding homes for them and it makes missing them not so hard. I love my boys.